The Digital Signage Business Climate Index France has increased by a margin from 58,99 base points to 59,65 base points. It reflects the current positive business sentiment of the digital signage industry in France. Almost all of the polled companies are satisfied or rate their current business climate as good. With 70 % the answers for more favorable business conditions within the next six month has slightly declined.
Growing market share for High-Brightness & UHD expected

The industry will see a growing market share for the new technologies of high-brightness/sunlight readable and UHD/4k. As prices have been eroding by up to 20 % year-on-year, the comparably high margins in these product categories will have a positive impact for hardware vendors and suppliers. However, due to a high cost (CAPEX & OPEX) growth will be limited and the overall market share will remain hedged to a maximum of 15 % with High-Brightness and 10 % with UHD. Particularly the energy costs for the former and the content costs for the latter of interest here.
The full survey DBCI France March/April 2015 can be downloaded here.