The Digital Signage Business Climate Index Spain & Portugal has further increased with an growth of 1,10 base points to stand at 57,70 base points. The DBCI reflects the very positive current business sentiment of the digital signage industry in Spain & Portugal.
All of the polled companies are satisfied or rate their current business climate with good. With 69 % the answers for more favourable business conditions within the next six month has remained flat. However, more companies than in the first quarter expect no big movement in the market until the end of the year.
High hopes for market potential of outdoor LED display technology
The digital signage and digital out of home companies polled in the DBCI all see a high to very high potential for LED display technology in competition to LCD displays within the next 24 months.
Over the last years, improvements in LED display technology have resulted in a lower pixel pitch. Together with a rapid increase in competition and falling prices the market potential of LED display technology will further increase in the next years. While NEC already has LED technology in their portfolio, other big players like Samsung and LG have noted this trend and duly seek a fast market entrance.
Here the survey can be downloaded in English (full report) and Spanish (executive summary).