The welcome address by the OVAB’s President Dirk Hülsermann will be followed by the keynote by Florian Rotberg and Oliver Schwede from invidis consulting. After that, Abdul Bakhrani (CEO of SmartScreen) will report on his unusual digital signage projects in Africa. That will be followed by the first panel discussion titled “DooH in a Changing Media Landscape”.
After the lunch break, the event will continue with talks in three parallel tracks. The focus this year is on reports on projects, including digital signage in the football stadiums at EURO 2012 in Ukraine or one of the largest semi-outdoor video walls in Europe.
Finally, there will be two further OVAB Europe panels on the subjects of “The Role of Digital Signage in a Multi Channel Retail World” and “Outlook 2015: Europe’s Digital Signage Markets between Breakthrough and Consolidation”. And then, of course, there will once more be the evening event in the Airbräu directly at the airport.
You can find the programme as it stands at present here.
The “OVAB Digital Signage Conference Munich” is Europe’s leading digital signage and digital out-of-home strategy conference. It will be staged at the Kempinski Munich Airport Hotel on 18 and 19 September 2013. Around 300 visitors are expected to attend this year.
Tickets are available here at the price of €590.