The new yearbook in English language contains – next to a general overview of the Digital Signage market in the EMEA region – detailed country reports on the UK/Irland, France, Scandinavia, Benelux, Turkey, Russia, Poland, the Persian Gulf (GCC) and Africa. Additionally the markets of Germany, Switzerland and Austria are portrayed with an in-depth analysis. Infographics round up the most important facts to give the reader an easy access to the key facts of the industry.
A special report is concerned with the topic Digital-out-of-Home, showing the most important facts of this market in Germany.
The yearbook will be distributed at the ISE and contains the „invidis Digital Signage Guide„. The guide gives the visitors of the ISE all the relevant informations concerning the Digital Signage area and companies.
The yearbook can be downloaded here after a short registration.