It is the second record of the unique tower – in 2012 year Moscow tower “Mercury City” obtained the title of the highest building in Europe in the category “High-Rise Buildings Rating” by research company „Emporis“. It is 29 meters higher than its London competitor skyscraper The Shard.
“Mecury City” is an elite hi-tech office space equipped with innovative technologies. The videowall was installed in the lobby of the building to display important, interesting and actual visual information for visitors of the business center. According to the client’s request the videowall was made in custom configuration – several parts of the wall were installed on different walls of the lobby. Every part of the videowall displays special content, but one image is formed as the result.
The record of the installation in “Mercuriy City” is that the videowall displays the most possible resolution of 42346 x 2304 pixels which is the real native resolution of LCD panels. The resolution of each display is 1366 x 768 pixels, so the general resolution of the videowall is 42346 x 2304 pixels. Each display receives the videosignal of separate graphic card output via individual fiber optic line. So 93 individual video signals from control system, in real time comes to 93 displays. The control system which provides these set of video signals consist of 24 multimedia servers.

The videowall is divided on several segments – to fit in the architecture and interior of the building, but it is organic whole from the multimedia system’s point of view. The real resolution of videowall is achieved by delivering the video signal on each display from individual video output of graphic card. Full control system of this videowall is realized in Wings AV – the software and hardware solution from AV Stumpfl. Hardware system consists of 24 powerful graphic media servers Wings Engine Install, with the fifth generation of the software Wings Vioso on board. This system allows to work with this videowall as with one multimedia zone of such a high resolution and to display any content on it like videos, graphics, pictures.
“We are ready to realize any idea of our clients. We are honored that the management of the „Mercuriy City“ have chosen our company to implement this unusual installations,“ says Ekaterina Pechkurova, Executive Director of DigiSky.