The “invidis digital signage yearbook 2015” in English language includes a general overview of the digital signage market in the EMEA region. It also contains infographics as well as country reports about Western Europe, The Mediterranean Markets, Northern & Eastern Europe and Middle East/GCC. Additionally the markets of Germany, Switzerland and Austria are considered in great detail.
A special report deals with the topic digital out of home, showing the most important facts of the DooH market in Germany and Europe.
At ISE 2015 the print edition of the yearbook is available in the International Media Showcase, next to hall 8.
The magazine will also be available at numerous international events and will be distributed via OVAB Europe as well as its partner associations (IG DooH/Switzerland, AssoDS/Italy, PDSA/Poland, Club du Digital Media/France).
Here the „invidis digital signage yearbook 2015“ can be downloaded – after short registration.