The digital Signage Business Climate Index France has been polled for the fifth time. The Index has increased by 5,15 base points from 44,90 base points to 50,05 base points. The DBCI reflects the current positive business sentiment of the Digital Signage industry in France.
Over 90% of the polled companies are satisfied or rate their current business climate with good. While only 10% see their situation as negative. With 58% the answers for more favourable business conditions within the next six month has increased
Further Research
In 2014 approximately less than 10% of all Digital Signage solutions or DooH campaigns were realized with the integration of mobile devices.
Within the next two years the market participants see the current situation changing. The market share of Digital Signage solutions or DooH campaigns using mobile integration will grow to on average of 10%.
The full survey DBCI France July/August 2015 can be downloaded here.