The “invidis digital signage yearbook 2015/16” in English language includes a general overview of the digital signage market in the EMEA region. It also contains infographics as well as country reports about Western Europe, The Mediterranean Markets, Northern & Eastern Europe and Middle East/GCC. Additionally the markets of Germany, Switzerland and Austria are considered in great detail. A special report deals with the topic digital out of home, showing the most important facts of the DooH market in Europe.
- Digital Signage Market EMEA
- Trends and Drivers EMEA
- Infographic Digital Signage in EMEA
- Outlook 2016 / 2017
- Digital Signage Market DE/AT/CH
- Digital Sigange Map
- Market Report: Western Europe
- Market Report: The Mediterranean Markets
- Market Report: Northern & Eastern Europe
- Market Report: Middle East / GCC
- Focus Software; Videowall; Tenders; Mediaplayers
The invidis digital signage yearbook 2015/16 can be downloaded here – after short registration.
The English invidis yearbook is the official magazine of the Digital Signage Summits (Digital Signage Summit Russia, 28-29 October 2015 in Moscow, Russia / Digital Signage Summit MENA, 16 November 2015 in Dubai, UAE).