The Digital Signage Business Climate Index Spain & Portugal has further increased since the last survey in July with a growth of 4,40 base points to stand at 67,50 base points.
While the current business situation is assessed positively by the market participants, the outlook for the next six months is rising to a very optimistic level.
Over 60 % of the polled companies rate their current business situation as good and 70 % expect more favourable conditions in the near future.
First semester 2015 with considerably higher revenues than 2014
85 % of the polled companies in Spain and Portugal expect to have a growth in revenues in 2015 compared to 2014.
Still 20 % of all polled companies had to accept a decline in revenues in the first six months of 2015. However some of those companies are expecting to have balance the losses at the end of the year.
Here the survey can be downloaded in English and Spanish.