DSF Europe: Digital Signage Business Climate Index (DBCI) – GCC – Registration & Information

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DBCI GCC – Registration & Information


What is the DBCI?

  • The DSF Europe DBCI is the leading index for the Digital Signage and DooH industry in the EMEA region
  • DBCI registers the current business situation & gives a 6 months forecast
  • With additionally changing questions DBCI focuses on current trends & drivers
  • DBCI creates transparency for market participants, investors and consumers in a fast growing and dynamic economic environment
  • Regular feedback by Top 10 companies (in revenues) in DBCI from the relevant segments displays, integrators, software and Digital-out-of-Home

Who collects the DBCI?

The index is managed by invidis consulting GmbH Munich for DSF Europe.

Why to join the DBCI?

You can get additional information about important regional market development and development of your company compared to your and other branches of industry.

  • At the end of 2016 DBCI will show 85% of the EMEA public display market
  • Comparability with standardized data collection across all countries, allowing for direct benchmarking between different economies
  • Extensive coverage with companies surveyed bi-monthly in 22 countries across over 9 major EMEA economies
  • Presentation at international conferences and events & Digital Signage Summit in Munich
  • By joining the DBCI you can increase the explanatory power of DBCI and help to further develop it

How much expenditure does it take joining the DBCI?

Even with low expenditure you can take part in the DBCI. Answering the questions just lasts around 5 minutes each. A short survey is done bi-monthly via email where you only have to answer 2 Index questions and 3 additional questions.

Sequence of events

The registration can be done by a formula which can be found on our website. As a registered participant you will be invited online to take part in the current survey when it starts. You can comfortably take part in the DBCI. For the short survey you will automatically receive an email every two months from Florian.Rotberg.Research@invidis.de.

Anonymous evaluation

All data of the survey will be evaluated anonymous and treated confidentially. There won’t be a connection between the participant/companies and their answers. The data is only used for the DBCI.

If you like to be part of the DBCI poll please register below: