Digital Signage Explorer

invidis digital signage explorer > Russia

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Burger King upgraded the AFI Mall restaurant with multiple menue boards. Seven LG display replaced the exisitng static and digital (one display) menue board. The content is not very dynamic and shows current specials, regular menue as well as dayparted specials i. ...


InstallationsDisplaysChecked by invidisLogging

The Russian city Kazan is going to be one of the host cities for the FIFA World Cup 2018 and opened a new football stadium with a huge LED facade. The new football stadium offers space for 45.105 spectators. ...

Source: Brightsign

InstallationsDisplaysChecked by invidisLogging

Takko Fashion mit Hauptsitz in Münster und EU-weit über 1.800 Standorten ist in Russland mit einem Joint Venture seit etwa 1,5 Jahren vertreten – der lokale Partner ist Fashion Family. Für den Auftritt auf dem russischen Markt setzt die Marke in den 28 Filialen auf Digital Signage. ...