Digital Signage Explorer

invidis digital signage explorer > Niederlande > Amsterdam > Levi´s Store

Levi´s Store

The Levis Denim brand employs an interesting digital signage concept in all of its flagship stores like London, Frankfurt, Moscow and in this case Amsterdam. The signage solutions are always only on display for a limited period, but next to analogue posters and promotion items always use some form of digital signage. Here a simple 46” high brightness display is employed. The screen is mounted on a metal and wood totem that fits the shop furnishing design. The high brightness technology is important here as like in two thirds of all retail stores the windows are covered in UV foil to preserve the clothing on display. However the foil is also dimming the visible light, therefore a very bright screen is needed. The loop consists of only one lifestyle video and the content is quite raw yet it fits the image of the products very well. As the content is very basic a simple USB stick works as a media player, however every time the video starts anew the user interface pops up. This leaves a rather unprofessional impression. Overall the installation is good.

Quelle: invidis

Daten & Fakten

UnternehmenLevi Strauss Europe
BrancheRetail - Fashion Apparel
Anzahl Filialen2800
FilialeLevi´s Store
FilialtypFlagship Store
AdresseKalverstraat 55
1012 Amsterdam
Anzahl Bildschirme1


High Brightness Display

Art der InstallationStandard
SituationPassage Situation
DisplayAnzahl: 1
Größe: 46" (geschätzt)
Format: 16:9
Orientierung: Vertikal
Typ: Professional Display
Display-Anbieterkeine Angabe
Display-Featureskeine Angabe
Projektpartnerkeine Angabe
Erfassung25. März 2015
Invidis geprüftJa

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