Digital Signage Explorer

invidis digital signage explorer > Norwegen > Gardermoen > Sushi Yo!

Sushi Yo!

The running sushi bar Sushi Yo! in the Oslo airport has a very basic digital signage solution in place. Two 42” Samsung consumer displays are mounted directly on the wall behind the running sushi bar. The content is a branding video for the bar. The displays are not used for other purposes like menu boards or special offers etc. The content is well made and creative. The overall impression of the digital signage installation is sufficient.

Quelle: invidis

Daten & Fakten

UnternehmenYO! Sushi Ltd
BrancheHospitality - QSR
Anzahl Filialen74
FilialeSushi Yo!
AdresseEdvard Munchs veg
2061 Gardermoen
Anzahl Bildschirme2


Brand Displays

Art der InstallationStandard
SituationLange Wartezeit
DisplayAnzahl: 2
Größe: 42" (geschätzt)
Format: 16:9
Orientierung: Horizontal
Typ: CE Display
Display-Featureskeine Angabe
Projektpartnerkeine Angabe
Erfassung20. März 2015
Invidis geprüftJa

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