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Dazzling Café Deluxe

To provide customers with a better overall dining experience, Dazzling Café has adopted CAYIN’s digital signage solutions. Through the use of digital signage, Dazzling Café hopes to replace the old-fashioned printed posters and to combine fashion and technology in the Dazzling Café Express store in Breeze Center at Taipei Main Station.

The exquisite fashion dessert culture has been popular in Taiwan for a long while. Facing the proliferation of gourmet coffee shops and tea shops around the country, how to stand out from this competitive market, increase potential sales opportunities, and further attract the attention of customers have become important issues.

By cooperating with Vcheng Technology, CAYIN deployed SMP-WEB4 web-based digital signage players with 42-inch industrial LCD displays. Going with the basic colors in the store, the display is exclusively designed in black and white using sheet metal technology, automotive paint, and artistic lettering to create a new style of fashion technology.

In the future, Dazzling Café can simply introduce special offers and promotions to communicators and tourists in Taipei Main Station via appealing digital content. For the customers who are waiting in front of the store, they can also have an initial experience of food and service from the multimedia content. With the decoration of in-store digital signage, customers can have a chance to further experience new visual enjoyment while enjoying delicious cuisine.

Quelle: Cayin

Daten & Fakten

UnternehmenDazzling Café
BrancheHospitality - Coffee Shop
Anzahl Filialen7
FilialeDazzling Café Deluxe
FilialtypFlagship Store
AdresseNo. 39, Section 1, Fuxing South Road, Songshan District
Taipei City
Anzahl Bildschirme1


Welcome / Menu Board

Art der InstallationStandard
SituationPassage Situation
DisplayAnzahl: 1
Größe: 42"
Format: 16:9
Orientierung: Vertikal
Typ: Professional Display
Display-Anbieterkeine Angabe
Display-Featureskeine Angabe
ProjektpartnerCAYIN Technology Co., Ltd. (Displays)
Erfassung29. Januar 2015
Invidis geprüftNein

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