Podcast: Transformation of space, retrofuturistic to emodiverse
Author: Prof. Sabine Krieg, Aurelie Jahns
Transformation – An Introduction
Before answering questions around the transformation of the retail space and bringing in the broad experience, analysis and exchanges with other experts we wanted to start with the transformation itself.
In the introduction we are answering the question of transformation and referring to the outstanding book of Boltanski and Esquerre: enrichment, a critique of commodities, published 09.04.2020, Wiley & Sons: therefore capitalism is transforming and it is driven by culture, art and creativity. Goods need to be enriched by a narrative to be still attractive and follow 4 logics: the all-know standard, the trend, the collective and the investment.
Transformation of Consumption
In this first chapter we start to look into the consumption and what is mainly transforming the consumer behavior. The 4 logics of Boltanski and Esquerre are not sufficient as ethical aspects become more important: from biological products to fair and transparent trading which plays a key role in the consumption decision.
Transformation of Space
Space itself becomes a social place, shopping becomes a social activity: retail is transforming in an opposite direction. The need for community-building strategies is raising, non-retail initiatives such as art installations or in-store dining concepts foster community and loyalty.
After our introduction into the topic we will try to define the main drivers for the transformation of consumption and explaining new consumer trends. There are in total 12 which we were able to distinguish, just to name BORO or POWERING DOWN as two main drivers.
Talking about transformation and movement in consumption, new consumer trends are mainly driven in luxury and in the generation Z, an interesting aspect we didn’t want to miss to mention and to analyse: luxury is not about price or quality anymore, it is about uniqueness or self-expression to name just two.

We wanted to furthermore look into new consumer profiles which are driven by different movements. In this chapter we name the main movements, in total 8, we have been discovered along our research and analysis. To name just a view: corporate care, psychographics or influencer economy

We came to the conclusion that there are 4 different new consumer profiles to consider in future which we are explaining in the way to name the sentiment but also the profile itself.

What if emotions are driving retail design? Is the diversity of emotions not the new design basis in retail? Talking about transformation and movements we can’t miss out on the diversity of emotions driving transformation processes and influencing design, art or culture.

There is no design world without digital, but we are assuming that the new future is driven by the past: the new futuristic trend with a space-age-meets-industrial feel.

Finally we look into spaces, a complete rethink of physical space will usher us into an era of smaller, but better performing, more streamlined spaces. We are giving an overview of shifts in light or AR, but also defining new strategies for events and spaces such as pop-up exhibitions to name just one.
Consumers will re-prioritise, coming out of the pandemic even more than ever. The future will be all about balance, digital identity will evolve. The next decade heralds an age of uncertainty, which will allow new voices to be heard and new solutions to emerge.
There is no design for, but design with: we like to conclude our podcast with the practice of imagining new futures but to act in the present. The new capitalism is redefining brand values: from design thinking to system change. Mindsets will shift, there will be a rise of limitatianism, social goods over economic growth.