Also sales houses like Goldbach are following the multiscreen approach. Obviously not owning media themselves makes offering multiscreen packaging easier. The main sales preposition is reach along the consumer journey. Public Video (DooH) complements TV in the daytime especially during commuting whereas media consume of mobile/online stays more or less the same throughout the day.
Vienna based Goldbach Audience and Goldbach Media are now offering Goldbach Prime Screens. Packaging video advertisement of Online, Mobile, Smart TV, DooH and TV into one multi-screen offering. Prime Screens enable advertisers to engage with the selected target group wherever they are, all day on touch points along their respective journey. Similar products are also being offered by Goldbach in Germany as well as Switzerland.
Prime Screen is based on intensive market research. More than 4.000 Austrian consumers between 14 and 65 were surveyed, to learn their typical daily habits and routines. The chart shows the typical daily media consume of Austrian males between 20-39. Goldbach can select various target groups with individual media focus combining the strenght of each media.
If multi-screen succeeds depends on various factors like the demand for video based advertisement, cross media measurement as well as online access via booking platform (eventually also programmatic buying options). But currently it seems to be a high potential sales channel for second tier media platforms like DooH or Smart TV which usually are not established enough to offer the necessary reach for national campaigns.