To stay on the top in a rapidly changing environment business must be aware about innovative technologies, quickly adopt and implement on practice new marketing and advertising tools. Today consumer loyalty is based on individual experience getting in the point of sale. Regular advertising tools don’t work anymore. It’s important to understand your target audience and speak the same language with it.
How to integrate on-line and off-line marketing tools, run targeted advertising campaign, communicate with visitors and collect the information about them discussed on the 5th international conference “Digital Signage – no alternative!”.
Hermann Benes, Ikea shopping centres, told why business chooses Digital Signage. “Marketers demand new tools and vehicles to sell their products. They demand more impact and profitability from their investments”, says Hermann in his presentation. Hermann presented the concept of media facilities upgrade in MEGA shopping malls.
Aleksandr Sarychev, Zenden, shared his experience of using Digital Signage in the chain of shoes stores. Nikolay Valuzhenich, Imteractive Multimedia Solutions, told how to use visual interactive systems in different vertical markets.
Florian Rotberg, General Secretary of the leading European association OVAB Europe, presented the results of the research of Digital Signage industry in Russia. According to it the market is recovering after the crisis, generated by the economical situation in the country. Also Mr. Rotberg spoke about ROI of Digital Signage projects.
Natalja Boehm, Scala, told about omni-channel, new Digital Trinity: on-line, mobile and in-store. She presented how Digital Signage helps to personalize information for each client.
Nikolay Alaev, LG Electronics, told about advantages of using professional hardware. Ger O’Keeffe showed how to use interactive technologies in different vertical markets.
Oleg Bratashov, New Business Development Director in Gallery, presented the overview of Digital Out-of-Home market in Russia and told about the advantages of LED constructions over the static.
Vladimir Kozlov, DigiSky Group, raised an important topic – optimization of Digital Signage budget. He explained what could be optimized without damage for Digital Signage project and on which elements of system it is better not to cut down the expenses. Maria Novikova, Yandex, showed which content attract the visitors’ attention.
This year the conference’s guests have a unique opportunity to ask their questions to the experts of the industry in personal meeting. The meetings were organized for all interested. Among the experts were the representatives of the right holders from RAO and VOIS, Florian Rotberg (invidis consulting) and Vladimir Kozlov (DigiSky Group).
The visitors of the conference also have a chance to have a look at Digital Signage solutions, presented in the demo-zone. This year the conference cut the record in amount of solutions: intellectual systems for retail, augmented reality, virtual fitting-room, corporative TV, LED constructions, video walls, interactive informative and navigation systems and many others.
For the 5th year in a row the conference became the meeting point for representatives from different vertical markets (retail, retail real estate, banks, cinemas, restaurants and others) and professionals of Digital Signage and Digital Out-of-Home industries (system integrators, hardware and software manufactures, advertising agencies and etc.). The conference “Digital Signage – no alternative” is annual key event of Digital Signage industry in Russia, where visitors could learn about new solutions, discuss the latest news and projects, know about trends and tendencies of the industry, find new partners and clients. The sponsors of the conference were Interactive Multimedia Solutions, LG Electronics and Intel (Platinum sponsors); Scala (Gold sponsor); Advantech, Onelan, Disti, AOpen, Nexcom, Polymedia, ViaDirect, Matrox (Silver sponsors).
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