Digital Signage

The Future of Signage in a Display Centric World

The industry has seen many futuristic vision of displays being everywhere. In times of Internet of Things (IoT) these visions are closer to reality. But regardless if the visions are drafted by a glass manufacturer like Corning or from a display manufacturer like Samsung, they all inspire.
Samsung Display Centric World (Screenshot)
Samsung Display Centric World (Screenshot)

Samsung Display – the display brain behind Samsung Electronics – released a new film about a Display Centric World. Everything appears to be a screen in the future. We at invidis don’t necessarily share this visionary approach – but we believe smart devices in public space will communicate at the point of sale (PoS) or Point of information (PoI).

Displays will be plenty – but not all of them will be large or foldable. But large pictures are necessary to attract attention from mobile centric consumers. New digital touchpoints managed by retailer are essential as ad blockers and other tools restrict neutral access to consumer mobile platforms.


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