
Moscow Digital Signage Conference reaches new heights

The fourth annuak "Digital Signage - No alternative" Conference by Digisky and OVAB has been a tremendous success. More than 300 digital signage commercial end-user and integrator met on 30 May in downtown Moscow. The interest of potential end-customers was tangible - especially for integrated solutions  connecting to existing CRM and other IT-systems.

Best Practice presentation by Coca-Cola Hellenic and a critical analysis of digital signage and digital-out-of-home in the Russia by digisky CEO Vladimir Kozlov were the most discussed presentations at the full-day conference. Suppliers like Intel, Scala and LG presented solution blueprints for enhanced digital signage whereas OVAB Europe gave an overview of leading projects across EMEA and North America.

The conference marked also the launch of DBCI Russia – the business sentiment index compiled by invidis consulting with OVAB. Even the immediate outlook is mixed the upside potential for Russia is immense.

The exposition – the largest ever – with more than 20 exhibits – was very popular before, during and after presentations. Even Russia faces economic challenges the interest in digital signage solutions has grown considerable.

This year marked also the first time of cooperation with Russia’s largest Integrator show organizer ISR/Midexpo which helped to reach out to higher participation of system integrators from across Russia and the CIS. The partnership with ISR/Midexpo will be extended to ISR2014 in October.
