IS Russia 2014

Engagement through Gamification

The undisputable leader in interactive content for digital signage is Denis Zeltser. He has been a speaker at all four ISR conferences and always brings concepts and creativity in the technology industry. This year Denis presented another show reel of engaging campaigns created in last months for the Russian market.

Denis Zeltser is founder and creative mastermind of Enlighted digital media agency in Moscow. His presentation picked up the Saatchi & Saatchi term of “Phygital = physical + digital: new reality of marketing communications”. The main idea behind phygital is to bridge the gap between the digital world and brick and mortar retail to reach out to the Millennial and Generation X.

Enlighted bases most concepts on interactive campaigns using digital signage, touch displays enriched with location based technology like iBeacons. The first campaign was developed for UniQlo in 2013. An interactive kiosk was setup inside Moscow’s Atrium mall dispending coupons for the lucky participants who managed to play the game to the end. In addition UniQlo decided to place advertising on all LED boards achieving a total branding environment. UniQlo gave out 3200 coupons through this interactive campaign resulting in 10m rubles (200.000 EUR) of turnover and covering all expenses for the campaign.


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Numerous interactive digital signage campaigns have been developed for auto manufactures for the annual Auto Show and for use in retail outlets. Enlighted has developed iPad based content replacing printed materials and in addition supplying the retailer with valuable analytics while linked to the CRM system.

Toyota uses iBeacon to track the flow and send personalized location based information to the customer. This app enabled Toyota to collect personal information of each person and sell an additional 31 cars just based on App leads.

Disguised as a game Volkswagen managed to collect personal information including automotive interest of 1250 visitors of the Auto Show in September. The platform used was an interactive digital signage system.


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Another example from outside Russia shows what really matters is the game and not the prize. Australian Snack manufacturer Fantastic Delites set up an interactive game testing the limits of participation.

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