The video walls are located along the main hallway in two different layouts. One 5×4 video wall framed by two 1×3 columns and two touch tables. In total 26 LG video wall displays and two touch displays are in place to inform about exhibition and events, transportation as well other travel relevant information. In addition DWTC installed 3×3 video walls next to hall entrances.
The digital signage system has been deployed by Dubai based Digicom on behalf of DWTC. Installation and setup are well integrated in the architecture and positioning is good. Certain shows which also use hallway as exhibition space can make visibility sometimes difficult.
Content-wise the systems are not as dynamic as they could be. Not all shows manage to offer their exhibition data on the video walls. The video walls next to the hall entrances are often used to show exhibition relevant advertising.

A big challenge at DWTC is the heterogeneous background of trade show visitors and the varying language skills. Displaying Arabic and English is often not sufficient for visitors from Asia. At some shows more than half of the visitors are from Asia with various languages.