Digital Signage Explorer

invidis digital signage explorer > Norwegen > Gardermoen > Felix & Fiona (Food Market)

Felix & Fiona (Food Market)

The food court Felix & Fiona in the Oslo airport has integrated eleven Samsung 42” displays. The screens are all mounted in portrait format and well integrated in the furnishing. One display is a totem next to the entrance, the other displays are all mounted behind the cashier or next to the different food counters. The content branding is the same for all three locations, a chalk board look with the food images in front. The content is location based, as the totem at the entrance shows current offers, the displays behind the cashier depicts the price list and the displays next to the food counters show the different food choices provided at that location. This concept of location based content and promotion in such a small environment is very progressive. Combined with a very high quality content, the whole digital signage solution is very good.

Quelle: invidis

Quelle: invidis

Quelle: invidis

Daten & Fakten

UnternehmenOslo Airport
BrancheTransport - Airport
Anzahl Filialen / davon
mit Digital Signage ausgestattet
1 / 1
FilialeFelix & Fiona (Food Market)
AdresseEdvard Munchs veg
2061 Gardermoen
Anzahl Bildschirme11


Ad Displays

Art der InstallationStandard
AnbringungIm Wandpanel verbaut
SituationLange Wartezeit
Passage Situation
Aktives Einkaufen
DisplayAnzahl: 11
Größe: 42" (geschätzt)
Format: 16:9
Orientierung: Vertikal
Typ: Professional Display
Display-Featureskeine Angabe
Projektpartnerkeine Angabe
Erfassung20. März 2015
Invidis geprüftJa

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