Digital Signage Explorer

invidis digital signage explorer > Großbritannien > London > Hollister London

Hollister London

At the Hollister shop in Regents Street countless displays illuminate the otherwise rather dark interior. Also the windows of store front are dominated by large video walls. In total over 100 46” displays have been installed in the shop. Hiding what lies inside the store behind a digital storefront, in a darkish atmosphere, created an exclusive club environment that fosters consumers’ curiosity. The technical integration into the shop window decoration as well as in the shop furnishing inside is well done. However, the sheer number of displays installed in a Hollister shop will almost always result in one or two black screens as was also seen during the current survey. The US fashion brand does not use digital signage for product campaigns or current offers, but the moving image content shows water, waves and surfers on the Californian coast. This content runs according to the overall brand image of Hollister as surfer fashion. The impact of Hollister’s action on traffic acquisition appears evident. However, the effect on conversion remains unobvious since today, the experience is not linked to any particular marketing initiative or campaign. Also the resolution of the content is not very high which leads to a blurred viewing experience the closer the viewer gets to the screens. Overall the very interesting and impressive project in the Hollister store lacks two important basic principles of a digital signage concept, a service standard fitting the size and scope of the project and the highest possible resolution for the used content.


Daten & Fakten

UnternehmenHollister Co.
BrancheRetail - Fashion Apparel
Anzahl Filialen
FilialeHollister London
FilialtypReguläre Filiale
AdresseRegent Street 83
W1B 4JD London
Anzahl Bildschirme100


Hollister Regent Street

Art der InstallationStandard
AnbringungIn Möbel verbaut
SituationPassage Situation
Aktives Einkaufen
DisplayAnzahl: 100
Größe: 46" (geschätzt)
Format: 16:9
Orientierung: Horizontal & Vertikal
Typ: Professional Display
Display-Anbieterkeine Angabe
Display-Featureskeine Angabe
Projektpartnerkeine Angabe
Andere Inhalte
Erfassung16. Dezember 2014
Invidis geprüftJa

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