Social Media, Symbolbild (Foto: Pixabay / TeroVesalainen) beats social media - the reasons

We keep hearing: „Why do you still run your own news blog? Social media is faster and easier.“ That may be the case at first sight. But google news approved content is visible much longer than postings on any social media platform. In addition, our content is often exclusive and result of an established editorial process. And that significantly increases the number of real views over time.

We are running our news blog for 15 years – every working day invidis publishes news about the German and international digital signage and DooH industry, including increasingly more smart-city and retail design news and trends. Many of our editorial pieces feature exclusive news, background stories and project reports, which we research on site worldwide. And which are only available on

And we are accredited by Google as an editorial news portal, which we must renew annually.

Since the relaunch of the website two years ago we are permanently implementing new features. Let us take the time to take stock: From the beginning of the year 2020 until the end of May, our website recorded year-on-year 51 % more visits and 50% more impressions.

We will also expand our English reporting for exclusive content. A daily bilingual reporting is not planned, our friend Dave Haynes at Sixteen-Nine does a great job in covering the day-to-day news form North America and major global developments. But we will expand our English-language editorial coverage with our exclusive, photo-heavy site inspections while travelling the globe. And the annual yearbook giving unparalleled insights and analysis of the digital signage market.

Social Media still in focus

Even if we stick to as our main platform: social media networks are important to us. Therefore, you will see more exclusive photo and project content on Instagram. Linkedin & Co. offer great short-time reach, our invidis platform offers in addition longtime visibility. A substantial part of our articles read daily are six months and older.

What you will never find on are paid-for articles – it does not fit our quality aspiration. Blame that in part of us being very German. But we are happy to publish relevant industry comments and background articles by guest authors. But the editorial team decides on what we consider worthy of publishing.

According to recent research news on websites like have an average visibility after publication of two years, on Twitter it is 18 minutes.

invidis Xworld

Starting in summer 2020 invidis will introduce a new English language video format. “invidisXworld” will be launched at DSS 2020 – The Show end of July and we have great ideas for the format for the future.
Many thanks to all readers and advertisers – we look forward to many more years.