
Passenger Terminal Expo 2008

Passenger Terminal Expo 2008Zum zweiten Mal findet vom 15. bis 17. April im RAI Amsterdam die Passenger Terminal Expo 2008 statt, die seit 1998 führende Kongressveranstaltung mit angeschlossener Ausstellung zum Thema Flughafenterminal. invidis und die Berater der invidis consulting GmbH haben die Digital-Signage-Highlights herausgesucht.

An drei Tagen wird in den mehr als 200 Vorträgen in bis zu sieben parallelen Tracks Wissenswertes rund um Flughafenterminals vermittelt. Digital Signage im Retail sowie am PoI mit PIDS/FIDS-Anbindungen (Passenger Information Display Systems/Flight Information Display Systems).

15 APRIL 2008 – 11.25–11.50

The information hub: from silo-systems to IT platforms
Marc Lindike, vice-president IT consulting, Flughafen München GmbH, Germany
Over the last six years, Munich Airport has converted silos such as CCTV, FIDS, PABX, AODB to use platforms or become a platform for other systems. The airport runs one network for more than 100 customers and one event platform to connect all operational systems in real time. It is possible to consolidate former ‘closed systems’ to use shared services platforms. This saves money and brings availability, flexibility.

15 APRIL 2008 – 14.50–15.15

Convergence of airport and airline solutions in a changing world
Jens-Dietrich Behne, principal consultant, T-Systems Enterprise Services, Germany
The necessity of collaboto introduce real seamless passenger travel into the aviation industry. The T-City Project in Friedrichshafen will be a showcase for IT solutions, including Friedrichshafen airport and its link to multimodal transportation, where first

16 APRIL 2008 – 10.00–10.25

Austrian Airlines and Vienna Airport – self-service development in partnership
Dr Rainer Walther, executive vice-president ground operations, Austrian Airlines, Austria
The presentation will cover the development of self-service (kiosks, web check-in, mobile services) as a key success factor for Austrian Airlines. Key success factors for self-service implementation. Close cooperation with Vienna Airport authorities: how to closely cooperate with your partner airport. Developing for the future: the new terminal skylink: carrier input for the layout of a new terminal. Benefits for customers, airlines, ground handling companies and airports. Self-service check-in: a no-queue environment for a smoother travel experience.

16 APRIL 2008 – 11.15–11.40

Check-in technology and facilities an integrated approach for LCCs and constrained airports
Mike Hafichuk, director, airports planning, WestJet Airlines, Canada
WestJet is North America’s leading low-cost high-value air carrier. Working with its airport partners, WestJet has introduced a number of self-serve initiatives and facility design concepts to efficiently manage its growth within the airport facility constraints. Learn how WestJet is using this model to support its growth strategy, while continuing to maintain exceptional customer satisfaction and managing costs.

16 APRIL 2008 – 11.40–12.05

Making travel easier: off-airport passenger check-in
Roy Braganza, senior manager remote check-in, American Airlines, USA
When implemented, remote check-in service will allow customers on cruise ships, at hotels and in convention centres to obtain a boarding pass and check their bags at the remote site. The bags are delivered to the airline, and the customers proceed directly to the boarding gate without stopping at the airline ticket counters.

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