The ISE Route Planners highlight exhibitors that operate in a specific section of the AV and systems integration marketplace. They also identify a selection of specific training sessions that may be of interest to attendees.
In The Digital Signage Route Planner at the Professional Development highlights you can also find out more about a presentation of invidis consulting Managing Director Florian Rotberg at ISE 2015.
Available to download now:
The Digital Signage Route Planner
This covers areas such as: Display Technology; Content Management; Retail Solutions and Global Advertising
The Building Automation Route Planner
This covers areas such as: Control; Energy Management; Room Automation and Whole Build Solutions
The Communications Collaboration Route Planner
This covers areas such as: Unified Communications; The Cloud; Visual Collaboration; Smart Meetings and Video Conferencing
The Event Technology Route Planner
This covers areas such as: Large Screen Displays; Pro Audio; Intelligent Lighting and Show Control
Here you can read more about other ISE 2015 invidis news.