DSS Europe 2019

Konferenz zurück in München - Call for Speaker

Zurück am Flughafen München - die 14.DSS Europe findet vom 3. bis 4.Juli 2019 wieder im Hilton Munich Airport statt. Die gemeinsam von invidis und ISE veranstaltete DSS Europe 2019, ist Europas führende Digital Signage und DooH Konferenz.
DSS Europe 2019 zurück am Airport München (Foto: Hilton, invidis)
DSS Europe 2019 zurück am Airport München (Foto: Hilton, invidis)

In diesem Jahr ist die DSS Europe wieder zurück an alter Wirkungsstätte. Das Hilton am Flughafen München bietet nach Umbaumaßnahmen zusätzlichen Platz. Wir erstellen zur Zeit das Vortragsprogramm und suchen noch nach interessanten Speakern und Use-Cases.

Die diesjährige Konferenz dreht sich um ganz um den Kunden & Konsumenten

Customer Centricity in the age of Personalisation, Experiences and AI

This year’s DSS is back at the Hilton Munich Airport, which offers more space now that the hotel has been extended. This summer DSS Europe will focus on Digital Signage from the Users’ Perspective (Customer Centricity).

Retail is looking for sustainable customer journeys, which surprise and engage for longer than wow moments. Digital concepts are increasingly being designed by global agencies and professional service organizations which are excellent at strategy but struggle with the unique challenges of digital signage.

What are the preferred tools for designing customer centric experiences? Digital signage CMS or multi-platform digital experience platforms? We will analyze, discuss and compare DXPs and the role of digital signage software.

Retail analytics have been trending for years. But only AI enables integrators and customers to find the right solutions, obtaining valuable insights from the millions of data points collected by instore sensors. DSS Europe will present best practice approaches, share years of frustration and the lessons that have resulted. The time is ready for analytics and the “instore cookie”. Even with GDPR regulations, AI-powered analytics can support customers with valuable operational input, driving sales and consumer interactions.

Google has declared 2019 as the year of assistance. How are personal digital assistants delivering value to retail, banks, transportation or employees? DSS Europe will feature experts and best practice presentations covering the likes of Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

A third major topic will be consolidation and changes in the digital signage value chain. The role of the digital signage pure player is rapidly changing as consolidation creates new market leaders and financially strong service providers enter the market. Also new technologies and business models will change the way suppliers and integrators act in the market. Who will hold the customer lead in the future?

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