ISE 2022

ISE wird in den Mai verschoben

Die ISE 2022 in Barcelona findet aufgrund der aktuellen Pandemielage nicht im Februar statt, sondern wird auf den 10. bis 13. Mai verschoben. Seit Jahresbeginn haben viele Unternehmen Dienstreisesperren erlassen, die einen Besuch der ISE Anfang Februar unmöglich gemacht hätten.
ISE Fachbesucher 2020 (Foto: ISE)
ISE Fachbesucher 2020 (Foto: ISE)

Allein am Montag, dem 10. Januar, zählte Spanien mehr als 292.000 neue Coronafälle bei einem 7-Tage-Inzidenzwert von 1.500. Der Höhepunkt der gegenwärtig sechsten Welle in Spanien wird für Ende Januar erwartet – also pünktlich zur geplanten Eröffnung der ISE.

Nach vielen Diskussionen und in Rücksprache mit den spanischen und katalanischen Behörden haben die Organisatoren der ISE am heutigen Dienstag die Verschiebung der Weltleitmesse für ProAV und Digital Signage beschlossen. Aus der Wintermesse wird nun eine Frühsommermesse. Das neue Datum: 10. bis 13. Mai 2022.

ISE 2022 Kommentar: Die richtige Entscheidung

Auch die DSS ISE 2022 Barcelona – das Digital Signage Summit von invidis und ISE – wird auf den Mai verschoben. Weitere Informationen folgen in Kürze.

Mike Blackman, Geschäftsführer von Integrated Systems Events: „Die letzten zwei Jahre waren für viele eine schwierige Zeit, und obwohl wir es kaum erwarten können, alle auf der ISE 2022 zu treffen, sind wir nach Rücksprache mit unseren Ausstellern, Eigentümern und Interessenvertretern zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass es das Beste ist, die Messe um drei Monate zu verschieben. Die Verlegung der Veranstaltung in den Frühling gibt der Branche Zeit, sich neu zu orientieren und das Vertrauen in internationale Reisen und Meetings wiederherzustellen. Wir werden eng mit all unseren Ausstellern und Interessengruppen zusammenarbeiten, um einen reibungslosen Übergang zu den neuen Terminen zu gewährleisten. Wir freuen uns darauf, die globale AV-Community auf der ISE 2022 im Mai in unserem neuen Zuhause in Barcelona begrüßen zu dürfen.“

ISE 2022 postponed to May

ISE 2022 in Barcelona will not take place in February due to the current pandemic situation, but will be postponed to 10-13 May. Since the beginning of the year, many companies have imposed travel bans that would have made a visit to the ISE in early February impossible.

On Monday alone, Spain counted more than 292,000 new cases of corona with a 7-day incidence of 1,500. The peak of the current sixth wave in Spain is expected at the end of January – just in time for the planned opening of the ISE.

After much discussion and in consultation with the Spanish and Catalan authorities, the organisers of ISE decided today, Tuesday, to postpone the world’s leading trade fair for ProAV and digital signage. The winter show will now become an early summer show – the new date: 10-13 May.2022.

DSS ISE 2022 Barcelona – the Digital Signage Summit of invidis and ISE – will also be postponed to May. More information will follow shortly.

Following the official announcement

BARCELONA 11 JANUARY 2022: After consultation with the ISE exhibitor and visitor community and in the light of the increasing impact of the Omicron variant in Spain, Integrated Systems Events announces that ISE 2022, scheduled for 1-4 February, has been postponed and will now take place on 10-13 May 2022 at the Fira de Barcelona Gran Vía.

Mike Blackman, Managing Director of Integrated Systems Events, said today: “We’ve been closely monitoring the conditions in Europe and have been working hard on your behalf to balance health and safety concerns with the need for commerce and in-person interaction.  It’s been a challenging time for so many over the past two years, and whilst we cannot wait to meet up with everyone at ISE 2022, listening to our exhibitors, owners and stakeholders, we have agreed the best course of action is to postpone the show edition for three months.

“By moving the event to the spring, it provides time for our community to rebalance and for confidence in international travel and meetings to resume. We will be working closely with all our exhibitors and stakeholders to ensure a smooth transition to the new dates. We look forward to hosting the global AV community at ISE 2022 in May in our new home in Barcelona.”

David Labuskes, CEO, AVIXA commented: “While balancing the commitment to both commerce and gathering has been difficult in these uncertain times, we believe the postponement of the ISE show until May does just that.  Our community hungers for the opportunity to reconvene in 2022. This schedule makes that all the more possible for all of us.  Beginning with ISE, we are looking forward to the summer of AV where we will have the opportunity to come together at InfoComm in June and InfoComm Beijing in July – it could not be a better way to gather and reinforce the opportunities and success for our industry.”

Daryl Friedman, CEO, CEDIA added “We want to ensure ISE 2022 will be a great success for visitors and exhibitors alike as it has been for nearly two decades, and that starts with bringing together as much of our community as possible. We know the entire home technology industry is enthusiastic about coming together in-person, and we are confident this move to May will ensure the most vibrant return for all participants. We cannot wait to connect with all of you in Barcelona this spring.”

We look forward to making this event a success and would like to thank our stakeholders – exhibitors, sponsors, visitors, media partners, contractors, and the team at FIRA Barcelona – for continuing to support us through this difficult and ever-changing situation.