Digital Signage Explorer

invidis digital signage explorer > USA > Kalifornien

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Quelle: Westfield USA

InstallationenDisplaysinvidis geprüftErfassung

Adspace Digital Mall Network counts more than 2.800 displays in more than 200 locations across the US – the largest national independent shopping mall DooH network. The majority of the faces are floor mounted totems (1800+), roughly a 1. ...

Quelle: invidis

InstallationenDisplaysinvidis geprüftErfassung

Chase operates more than 5.500 branches and almost 20.000 ATMs in the US alone. The Union Square branch incorporates different new design and technology modules. Most striking is the lobby with a 18 display video wall and the new self-service terminals with 21,5 displays (10:16 aspect ratio). ...

Quelle: invidis

InstallationenDisplaysinvidis geprüftErfassung

Vending machines for soda or other beverages are omni-present in North America. Most of the vending machines are ruggedized and optimized for capacity. Coke has tested digital signage embedded machines since 2009. ...

Quelle: Embarcadero Center

InstallationenDisplaysinvidis geprüftErfassung

Most of the installations are plain displays mounted to the wall or standard totems. Embarcadero Center in downtown San Francisco – a complex of four office buildings, the Hyatt regency hotel and various shopping and food outlets – sticks out of the crowd. ...

Quelle: invidis

InstallationenDisplaysinvidis geprüftErfassung

The fashion retailer Express operates more than 600 stores in the United States. As a vertical apparel company Express controls from design to retail the whole value chain and competes with Inditex, H&M, Abercrombie & Fitch and GAP. ...

Quelle: invidis

InstallationenDisplaysinvidis geprüftErfassung

Many companies like Citibank, Tesla or Microsoft admire Apple’s retail strategy and copy it more or less. Whereas Citibank hired straightaway Apples retail design agency Microsoft decided to adapt it with their own resources (in-house and agencies). ...

Quelle: Nike

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Im kalifornischen Newport hat Nike den ersten von zwei neuen Experience Stores eröffnet – Shanghai folgt als nächster Standort. Zielgruppe: Fitness-affine Frauen. Neben einem Multichannel-Einkaufskonzept setzt man auf Sportkurse im eigenen großen Trainingsraum. ...

Quelle: invidis

InstallationenDisplaysinvidis geprüftErfassung

Like the rest of the digital signage industry we have been fascinated by transparent displays since the entered the market three years ago. Moving the LED-backlight to the edge of the display and removing everything else that would block the view opens up many ideas. ...


InstallationenDisplaysinvidis geprüftErfassung

Ob spannendes Tennis-Match vor bis zu 8.000 Zuschauern, spannendes Radrennen im Velodrom oder Fußball auf dem Rasen: Das StubHub Center in Kalifornien ist Austragungsort diverser sportlicher Wettkämpfe. ...

Quelle: invidis

InstallationenDisplaysinvidis geprüftErfassung

Located at 450 Sansome Street, Umpqua’s new San Francisco flagship is designed to engage both customers and the public at every level, from behind the window external displays delivering up-to-the-minute bus schedules and weather information to public meeting spaces and an interactive, 6m Video Wall just inside the main entrance, featuring information about local companies in the surrounding of the branch and business tips by vertical industry experts. ...

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