The fourth annuak "Digital Signage - No alternative" Conference by Digisky and OVAB has been a tremendous success. More than 300 digital signage commercial end-user and integrator met on 30 May in downtown Moscow. The interest of potential end-customers was tangible - especially for integrated solutions  connecting to existing CRM and other IT-systems. mehr...
Regular visits to the Russian capital generate fascinating insights about outdoor advertisement and regulations in one the world’s largest cities. Most of downtown Moscow’s LED boards and thousands of static billboards have vanished in the past 24 months. New government regulations and a tender process brought a visible change to the city skyline. Some sources claim that up to 50% of all billboards (static and digital) were dismantled. mehr...
Banks usually refer to branches, Oregon based Umpqua bank prefers the expression “banking stores”. More than 230 stores spread along the US west coast mainly in Oregon and neighboring Northern California. One of the newest stores was unveiled in August 2013 --its newest store concept in the heart of San Francisco’s Financial District. mehr...
Samsung vs NEC - the leading digital signage display vendors fight a virtual battle at Europe’s busiest airport. At least sort of. Samsung announced this week to rebrand the British Airways Terminal 5 into the Samsung Galaxy 5 Terminal. This exclusive deal has been managed by JC Decaux airports which holds all advertising rights at Heathrow airport. mehr...