| DSF Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Windows in first and Linux challenges „How high was the percentage of operating systems used in Digital Signage Projects in 2016?“ |
 | DSF Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Hirings 2016 | Digital Signage creates many new jobs „Company growth in new jobs created 2016“ |
 | DSF Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Digital out of Home Trends 2017 | Cross media campaigns will drive the market „„Which important Digital out of Home trends will become relevant in 2017 and which will lose in relevance?“ |
 | DSF Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Digital Signage Trends 2017 | High potential for interactivity and further market growth „Which important Digital Signage trends will become relevant in 2017 and which will lose in relevance?“ |
 | DSF Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Slow growth for programmatic buying in DooH expected „How high do you expect will be the percentage of revenues generated from programmatic buying compared to your total revenues?“ |
 | DSF Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy The SMB sector drives Digital Signage revenues „How many projects did your company roll out in the following categories in 2015?“ |
 | DSF Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Brexit with only limited influence on Digital Signage market „How do you expect the Brexit will influence your company/business? How do you expect the Brexit will influence your national Digital Signage and Digital out of Home market?“ |
 | DSF Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy First semester losses expected to be contained later this year „Percentage of polled companies which have registered a growth respectively a decline in revenues in H1 2016, compared to the same period in the previous year“ |
 | DSF Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Clear increase in revenues expected for the full year 2016 „The revenues in 2016 will … compared to the revenues in 2015.“ |
 | DSF Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy First semester 2016 with considerably higher revenues than 2015 „The revenues in the first half year 2016 have … in comparison to the revenues of the same period in the previous year“ |
 | DSF Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Windows in first, Linux challenges & Android picks up speed „How high was the percentage of operating systems used in Digital Signage Projects in 2015?“ |
 | DSF Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Cross-media bundling & installation of new networks will drive DooH „Which factors will primarily lead to an increasing market share of DooH?“ |
 | DSF Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Retail defends top spot, strong demand for Shopping Malls & Events „We would like to assess the dynamic for Digital Signage in the different vertical markets. In which vertical markets has your company realised the most projects in 2015? Please rate the Top 3 vertical markets“ |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Digital Signage creates many new jobs „Company growth in new jobs created 2015“ |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy The distributor market is dominated by the Top 3 „With which distributors do you work together?“ |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy DooH is steadily increasing in relevance „Please rate the degree of capacity utilization of your DooH network(s) with advertising bookings in 2015 compared to 2014 (including the expected bookings until the end of the current year)?“ |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Losses from the first semester expected to be contained „Percentage of polled companies which have registered a growth respectively a decline in revenues in H1 and full year 2015, compared to the same period in the previous year?“ |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Increase in revenues expected for the full year 2015 „The revenues in 2015 will grow or decline compared to the revenues in 2014?“ |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy First semester 2015 revenues have grown in comparison to 2014 „The revenues in the first half year 2015 have grown or declined in comparison to the revenues of the same period in the previous year.“ |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy H1 losses expected to be partially contained in H2 „Percentage of polled companies which have registered a growth respectively a decline in revenues in H1 and full year 2014, compared to the same period in the previous year?“ |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Increase in revenues expected for the full year 2014 „The revenues in 2014 will grow or decline compared to the revenues in 2013?“ |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy First semester 2014 revenues have grown in comparison to 2013 „The revenues in the first half year 2014 have grown or declined in comparison to the revenues of the same period in the previous year.“ |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Increasing demand for Small Signage „How do you think will the customer demand for displays smaller 32“ in Digital Signage related projects evolve over the next 12 months?“ |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy High potential for Small Signage at the POS „Where do you see the most succesful use cases for Small Signage?“ |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Digital-out-of-Home | Creativity is still a demanding challenge „Please rate how high the challenges in the creative process of a Digital-out-of-Home campaign are“ |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Web research only medium impact on business contacts – „How high is the impact of social media (Facebook, LinkedIn) and google in your business research?“ – |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Loud call for government support in the industry – „What steps initiated by the government would it require to support the industry?“ – |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy High expectations for the EXPO 2015 in Milano – „What you think may be incentives to increase the visibility of the digital signage and digital out of home in the Italian market?“ – |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Retail is the most significant market for the Digital Signage industry – „In which vertical markets has your company realized the most projects in 2013?“ – |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Robust demand in the SMB sector for Digital Signage solutions – „How many projects did your company realize in the following categories in 2013?“ – |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Dynamic job market in 2013 – „Did the number of employees in your company increase in 2013?“ – |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Maintenance most relevant barrier for Digital Signage solutions – „Who/What is the biggest barrier in the adoption of a Digital Signage solution for your customers?“ – |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Content creation most important element of Digital Signage – „Can you rate what’s the most important elements of a digital signage installation ?“ – |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Retail has the highest demand for DS in Italy – „Which vertical market will experience a high demand for Digital Signage installations and systems in the next 12 months?“ – |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy The Windows universe dominates DS operating systems – „Which operating system was primarily implemented in Digital Signage projects in 2012?“ – |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Weather and news are the most popular infotainment formats – „Which infotainment formats registered the highest demand in the last six months?“ – |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy DooH is primarily used for product spots – „Which advertising formats (spots) were primarily aired on your network in the last six months?“ – |
 | OVAB Europe Digital Signage Business Climate Index Italy Dynamic job market in 2013 – „Did the number of employees in your company increase in 2013?“ – |